MagmadinMagmadin periodically ports members of the group to the lava pools on each side (which have a DoT so don't stay in them). So the area must be cleared prior to fighting. Trash drakes repop, so don't take too long to clear. They do not see invisible.
There is a valve either side of
Magmadin's location to drop the lava to progress to the final level.
The sneaky goblin roams around this area. See stealth (e.g. Vision Totem of the Cat totem) allows you to target / track him.
MagolemusNajena appears, but you don't get to fight her. Instead she sends waves of mobs, following by the
The Reformed Magolemus turning aggro.
The waves are timed, so a low DPS group will still be fighting them when the Magolemus appears. The longer the Magolemus is up for the harder the fight.
After the fight there is a clickable banner behind her throne, which is a house item with some status reduction. If "clicks" are synchronised, everyone in the group can get one.
The lava rises after this fight, so the only way out is porting or evaccing.