City Festival: Kelethin The first city to host the new City Festival is Kelethin, where the festival will set up on the Green Knoll area outside of Kelethin from January 1, 2010 to January 7, 2010. Items that are expected to be for sale for City Tokens during every city's festival can be found on the main
City Festival Page. (i.e., if you don't manage to buy these items during the Kelethin Festival, you can wait until the next month and buy them at the next festival.)
Items that are expected to only be available during the festival's 1-week visit to Kelethin are below. While size comparison images will wait (it
is New Years Eve/Day after all!) Kaisha managed to throw together these icons after the event launched at midnight, and I'm dropping them in place before also falling on my nose. Happy New Year, folks! ~Mum
Note that the Chair of the Acorn Scholar is currently No Trade. I suspect that this is an oversight that will be fixed next week, but since this is holiday-time, it may be a bit before we know for sure.All of the below items cost 2 city tokens apiece, other than the Kelethin sign, which costs 5.
Chair of the Acorn Scholar
| Blue Shelf Fungus
| Kelethin Curved Table
| Kelethin Desk
Gourd of Cranberries
| Gourd of Raspberries
| Kelethin Round Counter
| Kelethin Sign (Magic Mouth**)
Polished Wooden Column
| Polished Wooden Mirror
| Polished Wooden Tile
| Wooden Pole
**Magic Mouth: This calls out a message to anyone who approaches. (Can be placed in home or guild hall). You are allowed to set a short message, and a radius. When a person hits the border of that radius, the message will pop up at the top of the screen if the person's filters are set correctly. (alt-o, user interface > popup messages > show general messages. This option must be turned on in order to see the message.) In general, for smaller inn rooms, you don't want the radius set for more than 10m, and likely will want it smaller. Too wide a range, and folks are already within the radius. (They must actually cross the radius border to trigger the message.) There is a 50-character limit to the message.
Purple Glowie CollectionThe 6-item purple glowie collection from Kelethin (both up in the city and a few down on the ground, it seems), will reward you with a Kelethin-styled mailbox for your home
Created: 2010-01-01 02:02:15
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother
Last Modified on: 2010-01-01 12:01:26